Stories from the front line
Since we launched our map to enable everyone helping schoolkids to get tech for remote learning to find each other, along with many more requests to be put on the map we’ve received comments from schools which make sobering reading.
A primary school in the Midlands:
“We are delighted for the new laptops provided (by the Government), however this has only brushed the surface. The move to live learning in houses with more than one child has highlighted the need for many more devices. Our remote learning would be so much more effective if we had more devices to offer.“
A junior school in a Cumbrian town:
“With a third of our pupils in school, if we lend our existing devices to those at home, we will not be able to deliver some of our learning to our most vulnerable in school.“
An infant school in an East Midlands city:
“As an infant school, we are not eligible to participate in the government’s laptop scheme and yet our youngest children require quality education to build the foundations of future learning. We have an amazing online learning offer for our children, but a significant number are unable to access this. Many of our families tell us they have multiple children trying to access remote learning materials through a single mobile phone in their home. Our families are eager to support their children but just do not have the technology to do this.”
A sixth-form college in South Yorkshire:
“Access to hardware is our major priority, and then access to reliable data/internet. The Careers manager says remote learning could be a vital step in allowing our learners to progress to their next steps but needs more investment”
A London primary school:
“We have been told that as a primary school of over 400 pupils we are unable to order the small number devices allocated to us at this time due to secondary schools being prioritized. This is despite our desire to provide a full curriculum and our statutory obligation to provide 3 hours+ of remote learning each day. This decision has impacted on many of our families who have two+ children and made access to our home learning much more difficult for families.”
A North London Secondary school:
“We are a school where over 70% of our students are pupil premium or Free School Meals and many do not have access to their own device to complete their online learning Lockdown, we are in desperate need and we appeal to you to support our most vulnerable students during this incredibly difficult time.”
How can you help?
Dig out that laptop gathering dust, clean off the data then pass it on – there are many projects and organisations that will take laptops and clean and convert them for learning, see our map of converters and details here – or find your nearest school on our map and see what they need. Just remember to check first so as not to overload the school!