Our Mission

Tech For UK aims to enable people to access resources and solutions in crisis response situations and hopes to transform British democracy through technology and digital media that impacts the systems not just the symptoms of its problems.

About Tech For UK

Tech For UK will use its networks and volunteers to enable tech to help and support communities in the UK through a meaningful tech respose.

Recently Tech For UK have supported the creation of AllOfUsTogether – supporting meals for disadvantaged & hungry kids in October 2020,  the Coronavirus Tech Handbook, Covid Tech Support and code4covid.

Tech For UK includes many of the most innovative businesses in the UK.

We’d like you to join us! See below some of the people who have already signed up. To join simply send an email to info@techforuk.com.

About Tech For UK

Tech For UK Co-organisers

Mike Butcher

Mike Butcher

Cofounder, TechHub

Josh Russell

Josh Russell

Partner, Resolve

Eloise Todd

Eloise Todd

Founder & Former CEO, Best For Britain

Madhuban Kumar

Madhuban Kumar

CEO, Metafused


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We're currently working to help the people of the UK during the covid-19 pandemic, including free school meals projects, laptops for homeschooling, and tech support volunteers for charities.

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