Lockdown Laptops
Tech For UK assembled resources that might be useful for schools and vulnerable households who needed access to laptops during lockdown. The “Lockdown Laptops” programme organised by Tech for UK is coming to an end. We recognise that there is still a great need beyond...Getting meals to hungry kids – AllOfUsTogether
AllOfUsTogether In October 2020 news broke that the Government were not funding Free School Meals during the half-term holiday, despite many families having a reduced income due to COVID (either being on furlough or on zero-hours contracts to shuttered businesses)....TFUK Coronavirus / COVID-19 Response
IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ TO THE END Dear TechForUK Members, and the Tech Industry Three years ago we set up this network of tech industry people. We have become a voluntary tech movement to broadly aid UK society, democracy and its wellbeing using tech and...Protected: UK Tech Industry Letter to the Prime Minister
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